Listening Journal - Introduction
Listening Journal - Entry 0
I’ve been inspired seeing people post music and albums that influenced their personal tastes. I haven’t felt like I’ve had the chance to listen intently enough, or compose, or play music as well as I would like. Around 4 years ago, I started learning frontend web technologies, and around 3 years ago I pivoted my career into web development. As much as I enjoy it, for a long time it seemed like any time not devoted to learning how to be a better developer was time wasted. I am still learning all that I can about software, but I no longer feel like It has to be at the expense of music. It has been difficult, but I’m better for it.
That said, I’m starting a listening journal series. I’ve found some old notes from college recently and some of those are listening journals I’ve happened to keep. I wanted to challenge myself with making this a journal I can share, and hopefully a little easier to track. I’d prefer not to start my next project because I found a giant stack of paper from last decade. I store in a plastic container in the back of my closet. I want to be clear about my intention with this journal, so here are the rules I’m going to follow with each post.
- I’m not going to limit myself with genre.
- I’m going to add a link to the piece, with a description of the recording in case the link is ever removed or broken.
- I’m going to add a description about the piece of music along with information I think is noteworthy about it.
- I will not do any analysis unless I think it makes the piece easier to appreciate.
- I will be writing with an audience in mind, not just for myself.
So without further ado, I hope you listen and I hope you find something new you like!